African Lion

African Lion
You're too close! ( This picture is a link to Safari pictures.)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Week 1: Thing 2

I have considered myself a lifelong learner all my life. Gladly, I have incorporated the 7 1/2 habits into my daily life as far back as I can remember. As a coach, the GOALS, the personal responsibility, the viewing problems as challenges and the confidence in yourself are all daily activities that I promote in my swimmers because I do them myself. The Learning Toolbox is a given - even though I have never thought of it in those terms. The only one that I consider myself weak in would be the Technology to my advantage. Unlike my children who have always taught me about technology, I think of technology and envision things like planes, trains and automobiles. These computer things and iPods and mobile phones are all greek to me. And since they seldom work for me, I HATE them most of the time. (I currently HATE my computer and printer in my classroom because they continue to fight me. PET PEAVE: why do the tech people CONSTANTLY change from formats and platforms that work and do what you want to accomplish to other ones that require another steep learning curve to figure out??? That's something I REALLY hate.)

But don't tell any of the tech people I said that because generally they are wonderful people and I find myself forgiving them a lot for just doing what they do. (I should look back at the Hallmarks and the video from the last post to understand why they insist on doing this to me!)

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