African Lion

African Lion
You're too close! ( This picture is a link to Safari pictures.)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Even More THING 1

In reading the "About" section again - mostly to reinforce in my mind why I thought I should do this project - I came across the 6 Hallmarks:

Hallmark #1: The Internet has become the computer;
Hallmark #2: Tens of millions of Americans, especially the young, are creating and sharing content online;
Hallmark #3: Even more Internet users are accessing the content created by others;
Hallmark #4: Many are sharing what they know and what they feel online and that is building conversations and communities;
Hallmark #5: Tens of thousands are contributing their know-how and/or their processing power to the online commons;
Hallmark #6: Online Americans are customizing their online experiences thanks to Web 2.0 tools.

I think these have suddenly helped me to focus better. They remind me of the Education Session that Ellen Davis and I did at our diocesan inservice a few years ago when we showed the short video: Shift Happens.

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