African Lion

African Lion
You're too close! ( This picture is a link to Safari pictures.)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

More Thing 5

originally uploaded by dwhit2009.

This is my Classroom 2.0 picture that I uploaded to Flickr as a public photo.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Week 3 - Thing 5

Water DropI found this really cool picture on flickr and thought this would be a wonderful first try at adding a picture from flickr to my blog. The exercise was pretty straight forward. I took advantage of my exploration time on flickr to upload some of my own pictures as  well. I'll see where this leads, but I have a lot of pictures that I might share this way.
Water Drop,
originally uploaded by ayeteedubbz.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Week 2 - Thing 4

The goal for this "thing" in the Class 2.0 at this stage in the process is to register this blog. Clearly that has already been done since I e-mailed Patty the link for my blog last week. And that's the way this whole program has gone so far. I've done the assignments out of order, but have felt the need to blog about them in the order prescribed. Once again, my rebellious nature makes itself known.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Week 2 - Thing 3

I went out of turn, obviously, since I had this blog and my avatar posted before actually doing Things 1 and 2. The process was simple and took very little time to do. I enjoyed the process actually.

Week 1: Thing 2

I have considered myself a lifelong learner all my life. Gladly, I have incorporated the 7 1/2 habits into my daily life as far back as I can remember. As a coach, the GOALS, the personal responsibility, the viewing problems as challenges and the confidence in yourself are all daily activities that I promote in my swimmers because I do them myself. The Learning Toolbox is a given - even though I have never thought of it in those terms. The only one that I consider myself weak in would be the Technology to my advantage. Unlike my children who have always taught me about technology, I think of technology and envision things like planes, trains and automobiles. These computer things and iPods and mobile phones are all greek to me. And since they seldom work for me, I HATE them most of the time. (I currently HATE my computer and printer in my classroom because they continue to fight me. PET PEAVE: why do the tech people CONSTANTLY change from formats and platforms that work and do what you want to accomplish to other ones that require another steep learning curve to figure out??? That's something I REALLY hate.)

But don't tell any of the tech people I said that because generally they are wonderful people and I find myself forgiving them a lot for just doing what they do. (I should look back at the Hallmarks and the video from the last post to understand why they insist on doing this to me!)

Even More THING 1

In reading the "About" section again - mostly to reinforce in my mind why I thought I should do this project - I came across the 6 Hallmarks:

Hallmark #1: The Internet has become the computer;
Hallmark #2: Tens of millions of Americans, especially the young, are creating and sharing content online;
Hallmark #3: Even more Internet users are accessing the content created by others;
Hallmark #4: Many are sharing what they know and what they feel online and that is building conversations and communities;
Hallmark #5: Tens of thousands are contributing their know-how and/or their processing power to the online commons;
Hallmark #6: Online Americans are customizing their online experiences thanks to Web 2.0 tools.

I think these have suddenly helped me to focus better. They remind me of the Education Session that Ellen Davis and I did at our diocesan inservice a few years ago when we showed the short video: Shift Happens.

Friday, October 16, 2009

More Thing 1

As I was continuing to read the information for the 23 Things that we will be doing for this classroom 2.0, I came across a page of weekly TIPS. One of the tips was to NOT use Black as a background color since it is hard on the eyes and makes any printing kind of tough. Oh, I am such a REBEL!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Week 1: Thing 1

OK, I've read the "About" information and I understand where we are going. My interest in doing this is based upon wanting to find new ways to challenge my students to higher level thinking skills. Since I am not very familiar with this web 2.0 stuff, I don't really know what to make of it all yet. I agree with Ellen Davis and her postings on Pilgrim's Way: this TIME thing is going to be an issue.

Web 2.0

This web 2.0 thing is so unnatural for me. I hear these people who post everything on twitter and facebook and I wonder what the motivation is to do this sort of thing.