African Lion

African Lion
You're too close! ( This picture is a link to Safari pictures.)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Week 4 - Thing 8

I set up a Google Reader account and have added several feeds for various topics: Boundary Waters Canoe Area, Miami Dolphins football, and Swimming. What do I like about RSS and newsreaders? I'm not sure yet since I have not been following any of these feeds yet, but the early thought is that I can find topics of interest all in one place and can keep up with certain things without spending as much time as in the past. How do I think I might be able to use this technology in my school or personal life? Again, early idea is that I can save myself time while keeping up with topics that I normally follow week to week. I'll have to spend more time thinking about school applications. Patty's idea that this would make following student blogs easier is a possibility. I'll have to explore the idea to a deeper level and see what develops.

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