African Lion

African Lion
You're too close! ( This picture is a link to Safari pictures.)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Week 4 - Thing 8

I set up a Google Reader account and have added several feeds for various topics: Boundary Waters Canoe Area, Miami Dolphins football, and Swimming. What do I like about RSS and newsreaders? I'm not sure yet since I have not been following any of these feeds yet, but the early thought is that I can find topics of interest all in one place and can keep up with certain things without spending as much time as in the past. How do I think I might be able to use this technology in my school or personal life? Again, early idea is that I can save myself time while keeping up with topics that I normally follow week to week. I'll have to spend more time thinking about school applications. Patty's idea that this would make following student blogs easier is a possibility. I'll have to explore the idea to a deeper level and see what develops.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Week 3 - Think 7

I have reviewed several of the Social Networking Sites and see a couple that might be incorporated into several of my classes. I do like the flickr option "Tell a Story in 5 Frames." I think we could find a creative way of using this to explain or define certain biological processes. I think I will cogitate on this idea to see if something is workable.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Week 3 - Thing 6

I made this "trading card" on the Trading Card Maker for the study of mash-ups. I was disappointed that several attempts at a number of these sites did not work. This was my 4th attempt at making a Trading Card. I cannot figure out why some pictures would not upload, particularly since this one was larger than one of the other photos I tried to upload. Perhaps the pictures need to be in some specific (although unspecified) format in order for them to upload.
Either way, the process was easy enough to figure out.