African Lion

African Lion
You're too close! ( This picture is a link to Safari pictures.)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Thing 13

IDEA #1: Search to find links for student assignments. I got a couple of ideas from this part of the assignment. How to incorporate these into next school year is something for me to work on over the summer.

I guess we'll see if this works out or not as we get closer to next school year and I get more comfortable with how to make this a part of my classes.

IDEA #2: Create your own bookmarks for various subjects/resources to use with student assignments. Since we have several things that we use our AP Biology blog for and since we have several internet type of assignments for all of the biology classes, I think this idea will have some immediate use for me. I just have to sit down and spend a little time creating these, but in the long run it should be a good tool to use.