African Lion

African Lion
You're too close! ( This picture is a link to Safari pictures.)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Week 11 + 12

I investigated several sites on the Awards list and was surprised to see how many of the sites I already make use of. Google Maps, Wikispaces, Craigslist, CitySearch, Google Earth, iMedix, Pandora are all sites that I have anywhere from to some to great experience with.
I'm currently working on a way to incorporate Wikispaces into my Honors Biology classes, although I still am not sure how this can be done with meaningful results. A lot of this stuff is fun and cool to explore, but as regards doing something with this for a targeted result with my class curriculum, I do not feel that I have found something yet. Using some of this at this point seems like just another fad to add to what we now do. We have problems with the kids focusing on the material and I think all of  these distractions create just another way for the kids to be distracted from the topic at hand.
I realize that the kids are undoubtedly making use of many of these sites already and perhaps know them better than I certainly could how to use them, but I in most of these areas that I have tried to incorporate into my class usage, there is still the issue of getting the kids to actually think about what they are doing. If we can find the key to getting more thought process out of the students, that would be something I would much more motivated to investigate and utilize.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thing 10

I have been playing with Image Chef - an image generator - and I think this exercise could provide something possible during updates of my web site and maybe even for spicing up some of my class handouts.